Post or Modify Date: January 1, 12 ====================================================================================================== Catalog# Title Episode Date Hours Stars/Comments ________ _____________________________ _____ ______ _____ ______________________________________ ======== ============================== === ======== ======= ====================================== Series: "ADVENTURE AHEAD" "Famous Stories for Young People" NBC SUSTAINING Saturdays 10:30 - 11:00 am DIRECTOR: Joseph Mansfield ====================================================================================================== 82661A "TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST" 1 08-05-44 :29:44 John Thomas *na* "THE ARRIVAL OF THE LILY BEAN" 2 08-12-44 :30:00* 82661B "THE STORY OF A BAD BOY" 3 08-19-44 :29:59 Alistair Kile, Craig McDonnald 82662A "INSIDE THE F.B.I." 4 08-26-44 :29:15 Bad distortion at the beginning ... about 40 seconds 82662B "ROBINSON CRUSOE" 5 09-02-44 :29:59 John Thomas, Juano Hernandez 82663A "A TOOTH FOR PAUL REVERE" 6 09-09-44 :29:45 John Thomas, Roger De Koven, Kermit Murdock, James Tanzy, Joseph Wiseman, Jackie Eyers, Elenor Audley, Jean Gillespie, Fred Baron, Paul Ford. Independence Day Program 82663B "TOBY TYLER, OR 10 WEEKS WITH 7 09-16-44 :29:50 THE CIRCUS" 82664A "THE TALKING DRUMS" 8 09-23-44 :29:54 Jack Manning, Juano Hernandez, Jim Tanzi, Nicholas Joy, Bernard Lenrow 82664B "THE BISCUIT EATER" 9 09-30-44 :29:03 Georgie Walton, Jim Boles, Jackie Eyers, James Van Dyke, Kermit Murdock, Martin Begley, Louis John, Brad Barker. *na* "HAVE YOU SEEN TOM THUMB" 10 10-07-44 :30:00* 82665A "HILL LAWYER" 11 10-14-44 :29:22 Lawson Zerbe, Jim Boles, Kermit Murdock, Walter Bond, Richard Keith, Jack McBride, Tony Merrill 82665B "ONE OF THE 28" 12 10-21-44 :29:21 Ending cut ... story is intact 82666A "GREEN MANTLE" 13 10-28-44 :29:57 Alexander Scourby, Guy Spaul, Jack Stanley, E.A. Krumschmidt, Horace Braum, Guy Sorril Len Sherrer, Kathleen Cordell, Charme Allen *na* ?? Title Unknown ?? 13 11-04-44 :30:00* *na* "THE THREE MUSKETEERS" 14 11-04-44 :30:00* _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Number of Titles: 14 Total Number of Programs: 15 Total Possible Episodes: 15 Missing Programs: 4 Total Programs in Collection: 11 ===================================================================================================== |
any questions, please contact Jerry Haendiges ** Phone: 562-696-4387 ** Fax: 866-593-1689