Post or Modify Date: Monday October 26, 1998 ====================================================================================================== Catalog# Title Episode Date Hours Stars/Comments ________ _____________________________ _____ ______ _____ ______________________________________ ======== ============================== === ======== ======= ====================================== Series: "CLOAK AND DAGGER" NBC SUSTAINING DIRECTOR: Sherman Marks STARS: Raymond Edward Johnson as The Hungarian Giant Gilbert Mack as Impy, the Midget OSS Agents during WWII who took dangerous missions behind enemy lines, knowing they may never return alive. ====================================================================================================== 80701A "FILE 2218" 1 05-07-50 :30:00 Joseph Julian 80701B "THE TROJAN HORSE" 2 05-14-50 :30:00 Leon Janney, Berry Kroeger 80702A "THE BRENNER PASS STORY" 3 06-04-50 :30:00 Everett Sloane No Shows 5-14 & 5-28 80702B "THE PEOPLE IN THE PASS STORY" 4 06-11-50 :30:00 Lili Darvall, Larry Haines 80703A "THE KACHLIN STORY" 5 06-18-50 :30:00 Everett Sloane, Karl Weber 80703B "DIRECT LINE TO BOMBERS" 6 06-25-50 :30:00 Berry Kroeger, Bill Zukert 80704A "THE EYES OF BUDDAH" 7 07-02-50 :30:00 News Break at beginning to report Korean War News ... bombing of Soul 80704B "THE TRAP" 8 07-09-50 :30:00 80705A "THE SECRET BOX" 9 07-23-50 :29:40 Jerry Lester Show of 7-16 Pre-empted 80705B "SWASTIKA ON THE WINDMILL" 10 07-30-50 :30:00 80706A "RECOMMENDATION FROM ROMMELL" 11 08-06-50 :30:00 80706B "THE ROOF OF THE WORLD" 12 08-13-50 :30:00 80707A "NORWEGIAN INCIDENT" 13 08-20-50 :30:00 80707B "THE BLACK RADIO" 14 08-27-50 :30:00 80708A "WAR OF WORDS" 15 09-01-50 :29:20 Chuck Webster, Eric Dressler 80708B "OVER GROUND RAILROAD" 16 09-08-50 :29:40 Les Treymene 80709A "SEEDS OF DOUBT" 17 09-15-50 :30:00 80709B "OPERATION SELLOUT" 18 09-22-50 :29:40 80710A "THE LAST MISSION" 19 09-29-50 :29:40 80710B "DELAY ON ROUTE" 20 10-06-50 :29:50 80711A "WINE OF FREEDOM" 21 10-15-50 :29:50 Mel Ferrer, Francis Robinson 80711B "WINDFALL" 22 10-22-50 :29:50 Final show of the series _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Number of Titles: 22 Total Number of Programs: 22 Total Possible Episodes: 22 Missing Programs: None Total Programs in Collection: 22 ===================================================================================================== |
any questions, please contact Jerry Haendiges ** Phone/Fax: 562-696-4387 **