Post or Modify Date: December 30, 08 ====================================================================================================== Catalog# Title Episode Date Hours Stars/Comments ________ _____________________________ _____ ______ _____ ______________________________________ ======== ============================== === ======== ======= ====================================== Series: "A DATE WITH DUCHIN" ABC KREML SHAMPOO STARS Eddie Duchin at the Piano ====================================================================================================== 86632A1 "PREMIERE SHOW" 1 07-14-47 :14:30 86632A2 "LISA KIRK" 2 07-16-47 :14:30 86632B1 "VERA HOLLY" 3 07-21-47 :14:30 86632B2 "VERA HOLLY" 4 07-23-47 :14:30 86633A1 "VERA HOLLY" 5 07-25-47 :14:30 86633A2 "KAY ARMAN" 6 08-01-47 :14:50 86633B1 "MONICA LEWIS" 7 08-06-47 :14:50 86633B2 "JEAN TIGNE" 8 08-11-47 :14:50 86634A "JEAN TIGNE" 9 08-13-47 :14:50 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Number of Titles: 9 Total Number of Programs: 9 Total Possible Episodes Are Unk Missing Programs: None Total Programs in Collection: 9 ===================================================================================================== |
any questions, please contact Jerry Haendiges ** Phone: 562-696-4387 ** Fax: 866-593-1689