Post or Modify Date: November 1, 12 ====================================================================================================== Catalog# Title Episode Date Hours Stars/Comments ________ _____________________________ _____ ______ _____ ______________________________________ ======== ============================== === ======== ======= ====================================== Series: "LIPTON'S BITS OF LIFE" Syndicated Lipton Tea ====================================================================================================== 111 "MATA HARI" 1 1935 :15:00* "Mata Hari", "Tom Sayer and Beckey Thather", "Sir Thomas Lipton nd Theadore Roosevelt" 111 "MAIL ORDER BRIDES" 2 1935 :15:00* "Mail Order Brides", "Edgar Allen Poe", "Sir Thomas Lipton's Most Sucessful Venture" _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Number of Titles: 2 Total Number of Programs: 2 Total Possible Episodes Are Unk Missing Programs: None Total Programs in Collection: 2 ===================================================================================================== |
any questions, please contact Jerry Haendiges ** Phone: 562-696-4387 ** Fax: 866-593-1689