Post or Modify Date: June 30, 09 ====================================================================================================== Catalog# Title Episode Date Hours Stars/Comments ________ _____________________________ _____ ______ _____ ______________________________________ ======== ============================== === ======== ======= ====================================== Series: "OLD FASHIONED REVIVAL HOUR" SYNDICATED From Long Beach Auditorium PREACHER: Charles E. Fuller ORGAN: George Broadbent CHORUS CHOIR: Dr. H. Leland PIANO: Rudy Atwood ====================================================================================================== 80016 450 05-12-46 :60:00* "Home Sweet Home", "Letters", "In Tenderness He Sought Me", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", "Jesus Savior Pilot Me", "Wonderful Peace", "Why Not Now" 80017 "A THREEFOLD DISCRIPTION OF AN 514 08-03-47 :60:00* "Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus", "I APOSTILE" Will Meet You", "Meet Me There", "The Old Rugged Cross", "By And Bye", "Letters", "Come To The Feast", "Home Sweet Home", "Where He Leads I'll Follow", "Heavenly Sunshine", "Saved", "Tell Me The Old, Old Story", "Jesus Is Calling" 80018 "THREE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE 515 08-10-47 :60:00* "Christ Returneth", "The Pearly White COMING DESTRUCTION OF ALL City", "How Can I Be Lonely", "What A APOSTALES" Friend We Have In Jesus", Nearer, Still Nearer 80019 "DESCRIPTION OF AN APOSTALE" 516 08-17-47 :60:00* "Pentacostal Power", Sound The Battle Cry", "Morning Will Comey", "Savior More Then Life To Me", "No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus", "My Sins Are Gone", We'll Never Say Goodbye", "Heavenly Sunshine", On Jordan's Stormy Banks", "Hold That Fort", "The World Is Not My Home", "There Is A Fountain" 80020 "THOSE WHO DEPART FROM THE 519 09-07-47 :60:00* "All Hail The Power O Jesus Name", FAITH" Somebody's Knocking At The Door", "He Is So Precious To Me", "Lord I'm Coming Home/Heavenly Sunshine", "Just A Little Talk With Jesus", ""Letters", "He Lives", "My Heavenly Home", "Lead Kindly Light", "At Calvary", "The Old Rugged Cross", "Jesus I Come" _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Number of Titles: 4 Total Number of Programs: 5 Total Possible Episodes Are Unk Missing Programs: None Total Programs in Collection: 5 ===================================================================================================== |
any questions, please contact Jerry Haendiges ** Phone: 562-696-4387 ** Fax: 866-593-1689