Post or Modify Date: October 31, 09 ====================================================================================================== Catalog# Title Episode Date Hours Stars/Comments ________ _____________________________ _____ ______ _____ ______________________________________ ======== ============================== === ======== ======= ====================================== Series: "RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL ON THE AIR" NBC BLUE SUSTAINED Sundays 11:30 - 12:30 am Maurice Baron and the Radio City Music Hall Orchestra live from The Radio City Music Hall - Rockerfeller Center. ====================================================================================================== 88956 4 07-21-35 :58:00 Rose Dermount, Julia Glass, Jaques Gassma "Mozart Symphony In G Minor" Interesting Biography of 9-year-old Jane Withers a preview for her new movie "Ginger" premiering 7-24-35 at the "Hall" during the intermission 27:00 into show. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Number of Titles: Total Number of Programs: 1 Total Possible Episodes Are Unk Missing Programs: None Total Programs in Collection: 1 ===================================================================================================== |
any questions, please contact Jerry Haendiges ** Phone: 562-696-4387 ** Fax: 866-593-1689