Post or Modify Date: July 31, 13 ====================================================================================================== Catalog# Title Episode Date Hours Stars/Comments ________ _____________________________ _____ ______ _____ ______________________________________ ======== ============================== === ======== ======= ====================================== Series: "RADIO NEWS REEL" "The Voices of the People in the News" ====================================================================================================== 111 03-08-40 :15:00* Darrel Brady; Frank Gannett; Hugh Herbert, President of the 'Tail Waggers Club'and Rudy Vallee raising money for Seeing-Eye Dogs; Letty Lee, Alexander Willis; Connie Mack; Hymie Fink. 111 03-22-40 :15:00* Alamo, Texas - Train Crash; Postmaster General James A. Farley; Manager Frankie Frisch of the Pittsburg Pirates; Frank A. Adams; Peter Arno; Alan Hale at Piper's Opera House-Virginia City, Nevada. 111 04-05-40 :15:00* Wilkes Barre, Pensylvania Flood; Sidney Mosley, British Author; Mrs. Frances Mahoney, Baby Substitution Case; Postmster General James A. Farley, Presidential canditate; Republician National Chairman John M. Hamilton; UCLA Provost Dr. Earle R. Hedrick; Donald Budge 111 04-12-40 :15:00* Scandinavian Situation with Johannes Steel; Bill Henry; War Coorespondent Lois Andrews; George C, Gourley; Mrs. Geraldine Gourley; John J. Anthony; Yuba City Migrant Worker Camp; Edward Arnold 111 04-19-40 :15:00* John R.B. Hambro; Frank Gannett; Senator Allen J. Ellender, Alfred M. Landon; Maxie Rosenbloom; Tom Farley; John Hamilton; Senator Burton K. Wheeler; James J. Jeffries; Kid McCoy 111 04-26-40 :15:00* William Randolph Hearst; Rupert Hughes; Kathleen Norris; Carl Schrader, Screen Guild Magizine Editor; Author Mrs. E. Hathaway Turnbull; US Forrespondent Gene Lyons; Senator Robert Reynolds; Bill Orr. 111 05-03-40 :15:00* Herr William Hammerschmidt German Envoy-Chile; Dr. George Gyssling, German Consul; Charles Bruggman-Swiss Minister Plenipotentiary; Ann Dvorak; Bert Baroni-Owner of Silver Star Stables; Lindsay C. Howard, Co-owner of Bing-Lin Stables; Kentucky Derby winner, Don Mike. 111 05-17-40 :15:00* British Consul General, Godfrey; H.C. Warner-Grand Exalted Ruler of the BPOE; Raymond J. Kelley-National Commettee chairman of the American Legion; Lester P. Barlow-Explosive Expert; Sun-Dial Girl, Elaine Shepard, World Champion Wrestler, Bob Gregory. 111 06-14-40 :15:00* Eyewitness to Paris Bombing; The Andrews Sisters; Harvey Chapman, jr.; Joe Louis; Arturo Godoy; Laws On Litterature; Mrs. Belle Benchley, Director of San Diego Zoo 111 07-19-40 :15:00* Congressman Hamilton Fish, New York; Delegate form Alaska Anthony Diamond; Carroll Lunt, Editor of the China Digest; Dr. H.R. Van Houten, Secretary of the Netherlands Legation; C.J. Hambro, President of the Norwegian Parlemant; Taylor Spink, Publisher of St. Louis "Sports News;" Nathaniel Shilkret, Composer. 111 08-02-40 :15:00* John Leiva - Helen Leiva, juvinelle deaths at the Whittier State School for Boys: Tony Villone, First Mayor of Boys Town; Father Flannigan; Mischa Auer; Billy Conn; Somerset Maughm; Richard Greene; Dr. J. Anton De Hass; Congressman John H. Houston. 111 08-09-40 :15:00* Senator Rush Holt; Lawrence A. Steinhardt, US Ambassador To Soviet Russia; N.A.B. Convention; FCC Director, James L. Fly; Neville Miller; Harold A. LaFount; Sid M. Kaye; Sam Rosenbaum; Gene Buck; Lionel Stander. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover; Attorney General Robert Jackson; Milton Berle. 111 08-16-40 :15:00* Santa Barbara Fiesta with Leo Carrillo and Jerry Cologna; Louisiana Flood; Senator Claude Pepper; Congressman Martin Dies; Rene Chouteau, Marathon Swimmer; George (Jiggs) McManus. 111 08-23-40 :15:00* Alexander Kerensky; Foreign Wars Convention - National Commander Otis N. Brown, Sectretary Alvin C. York, Major General Robert Arnold; Joan Blondell; Raymond G. Swing; MAx Baer. 111 04-19-41 :15:00* President Franklyn D. Roosevelt; Zamsam Survivors; Admiral H. Stark, Winston Churchill. 111 04-26-41 :15:00* Frank Knox; Robert Menzies: New York Mayor LaGuardia: Windell Willkie; Adolph Hitler. 111 "SPECIAL AMERICA FIRST 10-27-41 :15:00* Representative Anton Johnson of PRODUCTION" Illinois; Representtaive Brown; Herbert Hoover; Senator Charles W. Tobey of Massachusetts. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Number of Titles: 1 Total Number of Programs: 17 Total Possible Episodes Are Unk Missing Programs: None Total Programs in Collection: 17 ===================================================================================================== |
any questions, please contact Jerry Haendiges ** Phone: 562-696-4387 ** Fax: 866-593-1689